Memo: Lay off the tuna before going to work. In another twist in the "Jeremy Piven Sushi Scandal," a producer of the broadway show Speed the Plow, (the show Piven had to drop out of after being "diagnosed" with mercury poisoning) said in a statement, "The producers of SPEED-THE-PLOW have officially filed a grievance with Actors' Equity re: Jeremy Piven's departure. A date for these proceedings is to be determined."
Wow folks, I guess kissing Shamu at your next trip to Seaworld might not be a good thing.
Jeremy's rep tells TMZ, "The claims made by the producers of Speed-the-Plow are absurd and outrageous. Mr. Piven's serious medical condition has been well documented by multiple physicians. He withdrew from the play due to medical necessity on the advice of his doctors, after he was hospitalized and warned by his physicians that enforced rest was necessary in order to avoid serious medical problems, including a heart attack. His symptoms included extreme fatigue, spacial problems, difficulty remembering his lines, difficulty maintaining his balance, and an alarmingly low resting heart rate. Mr. Piven followed his doctors' advice, although his forced withdrawal from the show was an enormous personal disappointment since it was a life-long dream to perform on Broadway."
You know, those sound like the same symptoms from extreme partying as well. Boozing it up can cause similar problems, but if Jeremy is to be believed, go out and get your high mercury levels tested!! Seriously, I actually like him as an actor, but this story is sooo bizarre.
Image: Google Images
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