How Shameless has to go on a break for a little bit. Computer issues strike again :P I doubt anyone is reading this blog, but if you are, than thank you and we'll be back up and running soon.
- Ginger
Update: Back up and running, yay for laptops :P
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Could You Not Do That? Thanks.

This is not cool. During a performance at JET nightclub, rapper T.I. must have wanted to get more intimate with his fans. So what did he do? He shoved his shirt down his pants and exposed his pubes to the crowd. I don't know, maybe he was sweaty and wanted to freshen up a little, but seriously, WTF?!? I don't who the lady is reaching her hand out, but shame on you. Go to the laundry mat and steal some sweaty wife beaters if thats your fetish, don't let people know you're in that shit!
For the uncensored pictures click here and no, you do not see any of T.I.'s tip.
Image via TheYBF
If You Care: Danity Kane Is Over

Yep, DK is dunzo. I thought this had already happened when Diddy kicked out O'Skank and that other girl, but I guess the 3 remaining girls wanted to make it work. That was until the other blonde in the group, Shannon, didn't show up for the season.
Dawn Richard gave an interview to MTV (who else!) and discussed the dissolution of the group. From
"As of right now, [Danity Kane doesn't exist]," Dawn Richard told MTV News on Wednesday (January 28). "It's devastating for me."
"You'll see me and Drea [Aundrea Fimbres] try and pick up the pieces on our own [on this season's show] — pieces that we didn't even make," she continued. "We didn't even break it and we're trying to sweep it up ourselves. Puff invited all the girls to come back on this season and they chose not to. Only two of us showed up. That's fine if that's the choice."
For the full interview, click here.
Girl groups never make it! Never! If you're considering getting into one, you're better off just going straight to rehab now and skipping all the drama of having the group break up, trying to start a solo career, failing miserably at that and then doing soft core porn and a VH1 reality show just to pay the bills. It's not worth it ladies!
Image: Google Images
You're Half Right Kim

Not that Kim has anything better to do with her time, but in an act of true selflessness she did an interview with People magazine, coming to the defense of Jessica Simpson. The singer is flaunting a more bootylicious *ew I said that* figure these days and the American public just can't handle it.
"Call me crazy, but when I saw the picture, I was like, 'Oh my God, Jessica looks hot!' "I actually love the outfit. I think she looks amazing. I love high-waisted jeans, I loved that belt, and her hair looked fabulous."
"I get that she does look curvier, but to me, there's nothing wrong it."
She goes on to say, "It doesn't really bother me anymore. I love curves. Being super skinny just isn't attractive to me. When I saw that picture, I knew everyone was going to say something. And I thought, 'You know what? Leave Jessica alone!' She's fabulous, she's a really sweet girl, and I admire her for putting up with it."
I agree with her about Jessica, but the outfit? Are you fucking blind? That outfit was worse than any white trash attire I've come across at my local dollar store. Trust me Kim!
Image: MillionsofMilkshakes
This Makes Me Thank God I Don't Have A Father

Will this blow hard ever shup up? Apparently not. Michael Lohan blogged once again about his daughter Lindsay and girlfriend Samantha Ronson. The blog is entitled "PLEASE HELP!!!" Note the 3 exclamation points, if it was only 1, I would question his motives. Here's the blog which was posted with pictures of Lindsay and her sister Ali shopping:
While I was enthused that Ali was with Lindsay, rather than SaMANtha, I am torn to see that SaMANtha has once again manipulated Lindsay into leaving her little sister in LA, only to join SaMANtha on another DJ gig in Boston.
Was this again, a means for SaMANtha to earn more money through Lindsay"s presence? Did SaMANtha's fee drop so much and so quickly when word got out that they parted ways? Are we so blind? Is Lindsay so blind? I know Dina and my kids aren't because they tell me so. But then again, why does Dina tell me one thing and do another?!
When a mother or father sees their child in turmoil (losing weight, not working, and purportedly cutting herself) are we supposed to stand by , remain silent and pretend it isn't happening? Or are we suppose to step to the plate and not care what people think, and do something about it?
Well, as you can see, I'm not going to sit back and let it slide.
I am asking everyone out their to intervene in every way possible to help Lindsay, and quite possibly, save her life. Help this wonderful, good hearted and gifted young lady to see what SaMANtha is doing to her and how she is destroying her life.
Help her to see that ever since SaMANtha came into her life, nothing good has come of it. As a matter of fact, Lindsay hasn't used her gifts like she did before meeting SaMANtha.
Just LOOK! The proof is there! These aren't just words, but FACTS! PLEASE HELP!
He has to use SaMANtha just like Perez Hilton, you know what they say, birds of a feather really fucking suck. I completely agree that Lindsay needs help, but Mikey, you're not helping the situation by putting Lindsay and Samantha on blast.
Image: Google Images
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Not Bart Too!!!

Show producers have denied any involvement with a Scientology-promoting voice mail recorded by Nancy Cartwright, who has provided the voice of Bart Simpson for 20 years, in which she advertises her current auditing level—new OT VII—and invites recipients of the message to the church's Flag World Tour event Jan. 31 in Hollywood, at which Cartwright is scheduled to speak.
But while her show might not be connected to the call, she sure didn't mind connecting her call to the show. The message begins with her saying, "Yo, what's happenin' man, this is Bart Simpson. Haha. Just kidding, don't hang up, this is Nancy Cartwright."
"It's gonna be a blast, man," she teases, sounding like Bart again, after providing the where and when.
The producers of the show have quickly denied any involvement with the message. "The Simpsons does not, and never has, endorsed any religion, philosophy or system of beliefs any more profound than Butterfinger bars," said executive producer Al Jean.
Mmmm Butterfingers. Anyway, Nancy should have stuck to her own voice and left Bart the fuck alone. He doesn't mess around with religion, he's his own higher power :P
Image: PopArtUK
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tennis Just Got Better In My Book
I don't follow tennis, but now I'm thinking maybe I should. Venus and Serena were playing in the Australian open on Friday when a streaker came out onto the court and started dancing. He was reportedly on the court for almost a minute, but security claimed it was only 14 seconds. All of the videos are being censored or shortened to minimize the severity of the situation. Serena joked about the incident saying, "I just thought, my eyes, my innocent eyes." She goes on to say, "In those type of moments, it seems really long," (poor choice of words) "It was weird, it was just like, you know, funny and everyone was laughing. I kept thinking 'OK, I got to stay focused'."
In case you can't tell from the video, the guy has no pants on. That's one super white ass right there.
Making America Proud
I love Diane Sawyer even more now. How did I miss all of this? I missed a lot of the coverage after Obama's inauguration because I was at school, but you would think "Diane Sawyer has a live hangover" would have been more TV fodder. After clip #1 in this video, ABC she have sent her home with a "headcold" ;P
Paris Says No, No, No To Amy

Paris Hilton's friendship with My BFF winner Brittany Flickinger (god, it would have sucked having that last name growing up) is dwindling fast enough for the heiress to squeak out another version of her show, this time in the UK!
Paris is launching "Paris Hilton's British Best Friend" in hopes of finding a platonic mate across the pond. Paris is doing her usual media whore rounds with the press and was asked if she considered Amy Winehouse as a choice, Hilton said, "I love her music but I don't know if I could handle that lifestyle."
Now Paris, are you sure you want to judge how Amy's lifestyle? Let's've both been caught on camera using drugs, you've both been arrested, you've both had sex with questionable dudes, and when you speak, you both are equally hard to understand but for totally different reasons..all in all I think the two of you could do each other wonders!
Image: Pixsell
You Make Me Want To Eat For You

So according to Lindsay Lohan's rep, Lindsay doesn't have an eating disorder. She says, “Lindsay is aware that she’s lost some weight due to stress, but we recently did a photo shoot and she ate two full meals.”
She ate two full meals? That's the best you can come up with? I didn't expect much coming from someone that claims asthma, exhaustion, heat and cutting herself on a teacup because went upstairs and was still wet from her shower and had lotion on so she slipped, but "she ate two full meals" is supposed to make people think she's eating? I guess those were the first and LAST 2 full meals she's had in 6 months.
I don't know what the stress in her life is, all she has to do is look good and not work, that's not hard. I really do feel for her though, she needs help and her "rep" should see that.
Image: Google Images
Sunday, January 25, 2009
SAG Winners and Mickey Rourke ;(

Mickey was completely robbed tonight, not cool. Who would have thought Sean Penn would have a harder time getting through an acceptance speech than Mickey?? Lay off the ganja. I'm sitting here stewing, but other than Mickey losing, the show was pretty good. Oh! It was only 2 hours too!! My kind of show :P Slumdog Millionaire took home the big prize for Best Cast in a Motion Picture, which is essentially best film of the year but only for the actors. How great was Gary Oldman accepting for Heath Ledger? It made me cry like the big girl I am.
Note to Angelina Jolie and Katie Holmes: Please fucking eat!! Stop running around living the high life and take time to enjoy a piece of cheesecake or some meat on a stick, just something!!
Film Winners:
Cast in a Motion Picture: Slumdog Millionaire
Male Actor in a Leading Role: Sean Penn, Milk
Female Actor in a Leading Role: Meryl Streep, Doubt
Male Actor in a Supporting Role: Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
Female Actor in a Supporting Role: Kate Winslet, The Reader
Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture: The Dark Knight
Television Winners:
Ensemble in a Drama Series: Mad Men
Ensemble in a Comedy Series: 30 Rock
Male Actor in a Drama Series: Hugh Laurie, House
Female Actor in a Drama Series: Sally Field, Brothers & Sisters
Male Actor in a Comedy Series: Alec Baldwin, 30 Rock
Female Actor in a Comedy Series: Tina Fey, 30 Rock
Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries: Paul Giamatti, John Adams
Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries: Laura Linney, John Adams
Stunt Ensemble in a Television Series: Heroes
Life Achievement Award: James Earl Jones
-- From
Image: AP
Road To Ratings?
Rapper T.I.'s new show "T.I's Road to Redemption: 45 Days to Go" starts airing soon and the promo for the show looks pretty good. T.I. was arrested back in 2007 for trying to buy machine guns and was sentenced to 1 year in jail and 1000 hours of community service after entering a guilty plea. In the show, he tries to help the lives of 7 troubled teenagers so they don't follow down the path that led him to his arrest before he begins serving his sentence. When T.I. "rolls up on em," it looks a little scary, but I think deep down he's trying to do some good. The show airs Tuesday, February 10th at 9pm on MTV.
20 Minutes To Kill

Ever since Janet's tit made an appearance at the Super Bowl halftime show back in 2004, you must legally be a senior citizen in order to perform. Last year Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers broke my heart when they were chosen to perform and this year the honor goes to Bruce Springsteen. So here's a list of 10 things you can do at your Super Bowl party instead of watching Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band perform during the halftime show:
1. Drive to the liquor store, forget what you were supposed to get, drive back home, ask some asshole and then drive back so you can be stared at by Willie the mutant swamp boy as he rings you up
2. Try to apologize with actual feeling about the clogged toilet situation
3. Take an extended "smoke" break
4. Start ranting about how Gisele Bundchen has ruined Tom Brady
5. Watch Janet's boob again on Youtube, dude that was the best performance of her career!!
6. Try to get the chili stain off of your white shirt and ask yourself "why the fuck did you wear white to begin with?!?"
7. Listen to your Uncle talk about what's wrong with your generation today and curse yourself for inviting him
8. Run on the web to Wiki to read how football is actually played
9. Accidentally walk in on a male guest masturbating (I don't know what you can do for the other 19 minutes and 22 seconds, reminisce?)
10. Come to the realization you will never have another Super Bowl party again
I've got nothing against Bruce..okay honestly, I really don't like his music and I don't understand his following, but I want to see some sex appeal during my halftime show. I want some ass shaking and crotch grabbing going on, seriously. Bring back the trashy Super Bowl halftime shows damn it!!!
Super Bowl XLIII airs on February 1st on NBC.
Image: NFL - Superbowl
At The Box Office
Okay, I'm really fucking angry now. Paul Blart #1 again?!?!?! What is wrong with you people, did you go and see it again just to kill more brain cells?? *Breathe* I don't know, maybe Kevin James has some mind control power that hasn't reached me yet, I pray it doesn't. Anyway, Paul Blart: Mall Cop was number 1 again with $21.5 million, in 2nd place was Underworld: Rise of the Lycans with $20.7 million, Gran Torino is still holding strong in 3rd place with $16 million, Hotel for Dogs is at #4 with $12.3 million and in 5th place with it's wide release is, Slumdog Millionaire with $10.6 million.
Paul Blart? Come onnnnn...
Paul Blart? Come onnnnn...
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Good Career Move

Raquel Houghton, ex-girlfriend of Dane Cook and former singer of the Valli Girls (I have no clue who they are and I'm not even gonna fucking pretend like I do) is the latest American Idol "plant." It's no secret that lots of American Idol hopefuls that make it to Hollywood have previously had record deals or been under contract at some point in their careers. There's been a lot of blog talk about whether or not American Idol just seeks out existing artists and throws them in with toothless wonders from middle America who have no clue what the casting couch is all about.
Either way she's really pretty, but why the hell was she fucking Dane Cook?
Image: Getty
Hero To Heroin

First it was Sasha and Malia dolls, now it's hardcore drugs!! What the hell is wrong with people? Police in upstate New York arrested 5 dumb fucks for selling heroin stamped with President Obama's last name printed on the wrappers. I saw Obama hats, buttons and t-shirts all day on January 20th, but if I had seen Obama heroin, I think I would have seriously pissed my pants.
Image: The Smoking Gun
This Will Probably Tank

Here's the poster for Beyonce's new movie Obsessed. The movie is basically a clone of Fatal Attraction, dude cheats on wife with another woman, that woman goes crazy and wants to ruin the dude's life, yada yada. The poster is pretty generic, but I couldn't help but notice, doesn't it look like they cut Solange's face out of a picture and pasted it over Beyonce's body? Weird.
Image: Obsessed Movie
It Would Have Done You Some Good

Kevin Federline's rep is saying rumors of Kevin being on the new season of Dancing With the Stars aren't true. That really sucks, I love when goofy overweight white guys dance :(
Image: Flynet
I Love This Dude

I've actually always been a fan of Mickey Rourke, but this year, my love of Mickey has grown leaps and bounds. First he called Tom Cruise a cunt for his remarks about Brooke Shields, then he thanks his dogs at the Golden Globes and now, he's super modest by saying he doesn't watch his movies right away.
"I don't watch anything until three, four, five years go by. I see myself every day in the mirror when I'm shaving. I don't get anything from it."
Oh and to Bijou and Danny (can you tell I'm still pissed) I'll let Mickey have the last words, "People need medicine and they need therapists. Let the Scientologists go fucking live on a planet of their own."
*Sticks tongue out like a child* GO GET YOUR OSCAR MICKEY!
Image: Google Images
If I Knew You Then I Would Need Pills

D-list actress Bijou Phillips and her loser boyfriend Danny Masterson gave an interview to Papermag. Let me just say, I don't care what your religious preference is, but whyyyyyy on earth do people have to start attacking psychiatrists and medicine? OH! If you haven't guessed by now, they're devout Scientologists! Yep, they're in with Tom and Katie and that chick from Dharma and Greg. I'm starting to think celebrities secretly join Scientology just to get close to Tom's star power so they can feed off of him in hopes of getting movie deals. It's just a thought.
Anyway, Ms. Phillips told the mag, "My grandparents didn't take any pills and they were fine. Just buck up and get over it. Stop being such a fucking pansy." Yes, if you suffer from any kind of emotional disability, just know, you're a fucking pansy, that's the way to make someone feel better.
She lamented on how dangerous doctors prescribing meds for depression and anxiety is. I know, there's totally no need to take medicine if you feel like killing yourself or can't leave the house. Go get a big bottle of water and some vitamins then go for a walk!! That's it, a walk would help..but wait you can't leave the house. Okay, walk in your living room for 30 minutes! That should completely cure your anxiety! If your a schizophrenic, have symptoms of psychosis..maybe you "see" things that aren't there, the vitamin/exerice route is the way to go!! *Wink wink*
When Danny was asked if Scientology has helped him be successful in Hollywood (see someone else thinks the same way I do!) he says, "The definition of Scientology is 'the study of knowledge,'" he explains carefully. "Obviously, the more knowledge you have in a given field, such as life, the more confident you are as a person. I don't feel any pressure from Hollywood at all. It's 80 percent a community of artists creating art -- there's no pressure making art, it's a necessity."
I can't stand when people think they know everything about mental illness and medication that's prescribed by a doctor. I'm not an expert, but as someone that's suffered from anxiety and depression, let me just say, you don't know shit. If you want to read what else these assholes have to say, go here.
Image: PaperMag
$14 Million Worth Of Crazy

It's been reported this week that Britney Spears has either signed or is in talks to sign a 3-5 book deal worth anywhere from $14 to $21 million!! Let's lowball it and say she signs the deal for $14 million. Are you fucking serious?? You know she would have done it for $1 million, she's not making Baby One More Time money anymore folks. I thought everyones questions got answered with the documentary anyway, what more do we need to know?!? Can you hear my sarcasm? I hope it's coming across.
Image: Reuters
Friday, January 23, 2009
You're Just An Ass

I'm not a celebrity, I don't know what it feels like to constantly have paparazzi with cameras following me around, so I won't assume I know how they feel. HOWEVER, when you think you're too cool for school to just walk to a liquor store for your diet ginseng green tea, maybe you should quit being a star. Placing a paper bag over your head and a dog poop bag over your injured hand makes you look crazy, think about it Shia.
Image via Yeeeah!
Gothic Kittens = Dumb Bitch Charged With Animal Cruelty

Last December the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was notified that someone was selling pierced kittens on eBay. The woman selling them, Holly Crawford, owned her own dog grooming business out of her basement called Pawside Parlor. The kittens found reportedly had 14-gauge piercings through their ears and submission rings in their necks. One of the kittens found had been docked, meaning the kittens tail was cut off. How sick is that?? The kitten pictured here is named "Snarley Monster," who was a stray that Holly took in and decided to torture by piercing the kittens ears.
Crawford and a man named William Blansett, who took phone calls about the kittens, were each formally charged with three counts of animal cruelty and three counts of conspiracy.
Crawford says her business is kaput. Yea I can see why, no one wants to take their beloved pets to someone suspected of jabbing needles into innocent kittens. She's apparently pleading innocent to the charges and says, "When I did it, it wasn't with any cruel intentions. [The kittens] were definitely loved, well-fed, no fleas, clipped nails. And they were happy." Adding, "My name's ruined, my reputation's ruined, my business is ruined."
That's the price you pay for harming animals Holly, you suck!
Image: Unknown
Sanjaya Still Sucks

I'm not even going to pretend here, I hate Sanjaya Malakar. Okay, hate is too strong of a word but I thought his 15 minutes had totally expired and we as a nation had moved on. I thought the Sanjaya juice everyone was drinking had gone flat and we were safe to go back into TV land and not see this asshole, but there he is, all over the place hawking his new book, "Dancing to the Music in My Head: Memoirs of the People's Idol." The people's idol? Hold on for just one fucking minute here, the people's idol? I don't think so. That's like saying I'm the people's Christ. No you aren't sir, no you aren't! *Points finger angrily* He also had an EP come out the same day as the book. He's like herpes, not going away anytime soon. If you want to do intentional harm to your ears and brain then pick up the book and EP, available now.
Image: Pocket Books
It Sucks To Be You: Troy Thomas Edition

First of all, I will never understand how the home of Paris Hilton was broken into. With the amount of money she has, you would think a robot stood guard over her every night as she slept. Anyway, it's been reported that Troy Thomas broke in her home, however a source from the LAPD Special Burglary Unit tells that he isn't a suspect in the burglary and the real thief is still on the loose.
Troy Thomas aka "the Bel-Air Burglar," is reportedly one of two leaders of a gang called "The Hillside Burglars" who have been looting rich people's homes for 3 years. Bel-Air Burglar? The Hillside Burglars? Really?? Eh. If I was on the force I would have been more creative. I would have found out Troy's twisted fetish for dirty undies and named him "The Dirty Panty Bandit." Troy and his cohorts have apparently stolen from over 150 homes in the area.
Who knows, it could be him, but either way, get some damn security Paris. At least call ADT for the love of God!
Image: Google Images
That's A Good Thing!

It's been reported this week that Nicole Richie wanted to pitch a reality show about her life with Joel Madden and their daughter Harlow. However, that was a big old bowl of lies according to her rep.
"Reports Nicole Richie is working on a reality TV show are unsubstantiated. This is false reporting."
Darn. I guess Nicole doesn't want to ruin her own life, Joel's life or the life of their baby. The ideas of ending up in rehab, breaking up with her "baby daddy" or having Harlow running around more screwed up than she was as a kid, just don't seem worth it to her anymore. Keep the brain screwed on tight Nicole, you're the only hope we have left for normalcy out of our young female socialites.
Image: People Magazine
Time To Write Blame It On Me Pt. 2

Honesty is the best policy. That's a policy that seems lost on rapper Akon. When asked his age, Akon reportedly just says he's anywhere between 25 and 35 years old. What the fuck is that about? He told the AP, "All it's going to do is depress me. I don't want to know I'm getting older. Then I'll start to think about getting check-ups and insurance. I don't want that."
Oh really now? According to Wikipedia, his birth date is April 16, 1977, making him 31 years old. He also has said he doesn't really know his own age because he was raised in Senegal, "In Africa...age is not important over there. They don't care. People only focus on it here [America] and in Europe. I feel like I'm 21 right now," he says. "And I'll be 21 for the next 10 years."
This isn't the first time lying has caught up with Mr. Akon. The Smoking Gun reported that he embellished a lot of details surrounding his criminal past. Akon claims to have spent 3 years in prison for being part of an auto-theft ring. According to records, he was only convicted of gun possession back in 1998 which he was sentenced to 3 years probation. He did have to spend a few months in jail after stealing a car, but those charges were eventually dropped. He also fathered a child in 2001, meaning the child would have been conceived sometime in late 2000, smack in the middle of his prison sentence. Either he wasn't in jail or that's beyond super sperm right there.
Dude, you're 31, just face it. You know what, it doesn't matter cause you'll always be an ass. Age doesn't discriminate there.
Image: Google Images
Stop Fucking With Us!!

So I guess these two aren't engaged. Again, another couple that needs a ticker running at the bottom of their feet like CNN. Gisele denied that the two are engaged however she said they will probably have a small ceremony sometime soon. She tells Brazilian magazine Caras Gi "Ready? Someone deduced I was getting engaged! I received more than 100 e-mails from friends commenting about the proposal," she went on. "Now there's a new rumor, that he proposed to me on last Friday [sic]. I wasn't even there, how can that be true?"
She was also quoted as saying, "I will realize the dream of marriage, to have children and a family, of course. I'm sorry [to] disappoint you, there is no date set yet. I'm in love and you will see my wedding on the right day."
I would feel like a real douche if I was Tom. This makes the 2nd false engagement since December. He better lock her down now!
Image: Google Images
They Are Kind Of Cute Though

The toy company TY, famous for their Beanie Babies, has released two dolls in the TyGirlz Collection named Marvelous Malia and Sweet Sasha. The dolls have a striking resemblance to our new President and first lady, Barack and Michelle Obama's daughters, Malia and Sasha. Did they think anyone wouldn't notice two brand new dolls in the collection with the same names and skin color as the President's daughters? What, you don't suck enough money out of the pockets of crazy parents who want to spoil their brats by buying your crap so you have to capitalize on the daughters of our new president and then try to deny it?
Ty senior vice president of sales and spokeswoman, Tania Lundeen says that the names were chosen because "they are beautiful names," adding, "There's nothing on the dolls that refers to the Obama girls." She goes on to say, "It would not be fair to say they are exact replications of these girls. They are not." However she had previously said H. Ty Warner was inspired by the Obama girls, saying "How can we resist?"
Michelle Obama's press spokeswoman, Katie McCormick Lelyveld, said to the Sun-Times, "We believe it is inappropriate to use young, private citizens for marketing purposes."
Below are pictures of Lucky Lindsey, Bubbly Britney and Precious Paris from the TYGirlz Collection. Lets hope they stay the hell away from an Amy Winehouse doll :P

Image: Sasha and Malia Dolls - LATimesBlog
What's That About?

Nobody likes cold feet, but what's with the boots dude? Pete Wentz was photographed at LAX airport wearing these furry boots clearly meant for a woman with no fashion sense. All I can is I hope they're faux like his marriage to Ashlee Simpson.
Image: Bauer Griffin/Socialitelife
Kelly Osbourne Back In Rehab

Kelly Osbourne is back in rehab, this time at Oregon's Hazelden Alcohol and Drug rehabilitation center.
"Yeah, Kelly's in rehab," her mother Sharon, told Radar Online. "What else can we say? She knew that it was the right thing to do at this point and we're proud that she did it. The family is all standing behind her. Kelly knew that she needed help, and she's getting it."
"She'd been working right up until she went in." Adding, "This is one of the absolute worst things that a parent can face, for their child to go through rehab. And not once, but twice."
I hope Kelly can get the help she needs, she seems like a wonderful person.
Image: Google Images
We Already Know That Andy..
Here are two clips from Andy Dick's appearance on the Tyra Banks show today. Andy admits he's tri-sexual which is an excuse to fuck anything if you didn't know. Andy feels shunned from both the gay and straight community saying, "I say, 'I'm bi, my love knows no gender,' and the straight community says, 'Oh right, that's just a cover-up - you're gay!' And the gay community says, 'Yeah right, that's just a cover-up - you're gay,'" he adds, "They both want to push me gay."
He's working with Dr. Drew Pinksy on VH1's "Sober House," which will mark his 10th visit to rehab. Newsflash to Andy: The show essentially helps no one and you'll end up back on drugs or alcohol before the show has it's reunion special :) Andy has had struggles with both drugs and alcohol and since his arrest back in July 2008 for drug possession and sexual battery, he's wearing a court-ordered monitoring ankle bracelet.
I like Andy as an actor, but as a human, he needs wayyy more help then Dr. Drew.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Oscar Time Baby

No, that's not some crazy person in a straight jacket, it's OSCAR! The 81st Annual Academy Award nominations were announced this morning. Brad and Angelina are up for awards, as is the late Heath Ledger. The one true surprise of the whole damn thing? Leonardo DiCaprio didn't get a nod, but Robert Downey Jr. did for Tropic Thunder. What the hell is that about? The full list of nominees is below and the Oscars air live February 22nd at 8:00 pm on ABC. Visit for more information.
Best Actor in a Leading Role -
Richard Jenkins
Frank Langella
Sean Penn
Brad Pitt
Mickey Rourke
Best Supporting Actor in a Supporting Role -
Josh Brolin
MILKRobert Downey Jr.
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Heath Ledger
Michael Shannon
Best Actress in a Leading Role -
Anne Hathaway
Angelina Jolie
Melissa Leo
Meryl Streep
Kate Winslet
Best Actress in a Supporting Role -
Amy Adams
Penélope Cruz
Viola Davis
Taraji P. Henson
Marisa Tomei
Best Animated Feature Film -
Achievement in Art Direction -
Achievement in Cinematography -
Achievement in Costume Designer -
Achievement in Directing -
David Fincher
Ron Howard
Gus Van Zant
Stephen Daldry
Danny Boyle
Best Documentary Feature -
Best Documentary Short -
Achievement in Film Editing -
Best Foreign Language Film -
The Baader Meinhof Complex
The Class
Waltz With Bashir
Acheivement in Makeup -
Achievemnt in Music (Score) -
Achievement in Music (Song) -
"Down to Earth"
"Jai Ho"
"O Saya"
Best Picture -
Best Animated Short Film -
La Maison en Petits Cubes
Best Short Film (Live Action)
Achievement in Sound Editing -
Achievement in Sound Mixing -
Achievement in Visual Effects -
Best Adapted Screenplay -
Best Original Screenplay -
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Allen Unplugged

23 year old singer Lily Allen did an interview with the Daily Telegraph's newspaper, talking openly about the miscarriage she suffered back in January 2008. "I guess… it wasn’t to be,’ she says. 'That’s all I can say. I mean, you can kind of say, what if? Maybe if I’d stayed pregnant and had the baby then things would have worked out between me and Ed. I don’t know. You could drive yourself insane thinking about it."
Lily was dating Ed Simons of the Chemical Brothers. The two have since split. After her miscarriage, Lily spent time in a mental health facility.
"Nuthouse," she says. "Psychiatric clinic. I stayed there for three weeks. I was really depressed because of the miscarriage and I’d kind of lost the plot a bit. It was quite a nasty time. Actually, it was quite nice being in there. No one could get to me; no one knew I was there."
They also discussed the infamous Elton John incident at the GQ awards, Allen made light of the situation saying her and Elton had a real laugh about it. Elton says "That was just such nonsense. We had such a great time. She told me to fuck off because I’m 40 years older than she is. I love her. She was feeling no pain, I was feeling no pain. I was sober, she wasn’t, but it doesn’t matter. We certainly didn’t have a fallout onstage at all."
You can read the entire interview here.
Image: WireImage
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I Thought Brooke Was The Decent Hogan
Aside from Brooke's ridiculous remarks about a woman becoming president and some other ditzy things she's said in the past, she was the least offensive of all the Hogans. UNTIL TODAY. This is her covering Kelly Clarkson's new song, "My Life Would Suck Without You." This song has been out for all of 5 seconds and someone is ready to steal the Clarkson thunder. You blow Brooke!
Shame Hall Of Fame: Amy Fisher

This isn't right on so many levels. Amy Fisher aka The Long Island Lolita (or whore, whichever you prefer) is getting into the big girls club of adult video. "Amy Fisher: Totally Nude & Exposed" will be available as a special on Pay-Per-View. It's girl only action for Amy, as her marriage to Louis Bellera is sacred and Amy wouldn't want to go and jeopardize that or anything..
Now, Lou apparently sold a video tape of the two of them having sex to Red Light District Video. After settling with the company, Amy agreed to the tape being released. I guess now, the porn she's doing is on her terms so she can be "an empowered female." Yea, that's the excuse they use nowadays instead of working a 9-5.
Image: Wiki
I Need A Ride Mom!

Note to self: When you refuse a breathalyzer test, you get your license taken away.
Actor Shia LaBeouf was arrested and booked for a misdemeanor DUI back on July 27th, 2008 after another driver ran a red light and crashed into Shia's car. The collision caused Shia to have a badly injured hand that required multiple surgeries. The LA county DA's office didn't formally press charges due to insufficient evidence.
There's always carpooling Shia!
Image: Film Magic
Good Luck Barack!

Congratulations to our 44th President, Mr. Barack Obama who was sworn in today. I watched his speech at school today and it was just moving to listen to. I'm so happy for America and the world as a whole, I hope we all can unite as one to move in a more positive direction.
On a side now, how cute did Sasha and Malia look? They are sooo adorable!!
Image: AFP
In My Prayers

A rep for Desperate Housewives actress Marcia Cross has confirmed that her husband, Tom Mahoney, has been diagnosed with cancer. There is no word on what kind of cancer Tom has, but Marcia's rep Heidi Slan says, "He is currently under treatment and is responding very well."
The couple was married in 2006 and their twin daughters, Eden and Savannah, turn 2 years old on February 20th.
I hope Tom has a complete recovery and will be back in good health soon.
Image: Getty Images
Monday, January 19, 2009
Talking About Your Brothers' Junk Isn't Cool

Lily Allen is the type of person that says too much and sometimes when you say too much, you start to creep people the fuck out. She spoke freely with Attitude magazine about her brother's penis and Allen family bathroom habits.
"When I lived at home, Alfie's room was opposite the main bathroom, and I would have a bath in the morning and it never had a lock on the door and Alfie would get up and come in for a wee, he has got a huge penis."
Lily adds, "I'd just be like, 'That is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen!' He'd even poo in front of me a couple of times. He's got no respect. I'd never poo in front of my brother, never! Wee, yes definitely."
Her brother Alfie Allen has starred totally naked on broadway in Equus. Google him for penis pictures if you must.
Image: Google Images
What's With The Eyes..
I SOOO Hope This Is True!!

Is it possible that there could be another Paris Hilton sex tape? Hell yes! Author Mark Ebner has a new book due to be published next month titled, "Six Degrees of Paris Hilton." Ebner claims that there's another x-rated tape floating around showing Paris "in a state of arousal in a New York taxi." Sex in a New York taxi? Eww, you might as well have wiped your vadge on a public transit seat.
This claim comes from Darnell Riley, the man in jail for blackmailing and holding Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis hostage at gunpoint. He said that he bought around 14 hours of video from two "Russian kids" who stole the video footage from Paris' home. He says there are also excerpts from Paris’ grandmother’s funeral. “She is sitting in the church shooting video of herself. She is paying no attention to the eulogy. Paris has Brandon Davis film her when she gets up to say goodbyes to her grandmother.”
If another tapes come to light we will learn nothing new about Paris, it will just be pure entertainment. What else is she good for?
Image: The Sun
Notorious Violence

I don't understand why all of this violence is happening at the screenings for Notorious, but this is totally the wrong way to get your 15 minutes of fame.
Four people were stabbed at an unofficial after party for the release of the film in New York this past weekend. One of the victims is in critical condition after being stabbed multiple times. The party was touted as official, but Fox Searchlight claims they had no involvement with the event.
This comes after a separate shooting of a man in Greensboro, North Carolina after another Notorious film screening. The shooting took place after an argument broke out.
You would think that after watching a film where a man was murdered, you wouldn't take life for granted and treat it as the precious gift that it is. If you go see Notorious, go hug a child or pet a something kind, seriously.
Image: Notorious Movie Poster/Fox Searchlight
Baby Love

Christina Aguilera and husband Jordan Bratman celebrated the 1st birthday of their son Max over the weekend. Little Max turned 1 on January 12th but the party was held on Saturday with a “Where the Wild Things Are” theme.
Nicole Richie and Joel Madden brought their daughter Harlow (who turned 1 on January 11th) to the party with around 40 other guests.
Damn it, I want to be rich so I can attend childhood book themed parties :(
Image: Google Images
Obama Brings Out The Love

LoRo were out and about this weekend in Washington D.C. at Declare Yourself's "A New Birth of Citizenship" inaugural ball. The event was hosted by Jessica Alba and celebrities in attendance included Usher, Jamie Foxx, Sarah Silverman and Hayden Panettiere. Performances by artists John Legend and Maroon 5 highlighted the evening.
This is the best I've seen Lindsay look in the last few months, Sam still looks anemic and in need of a truck load of In and Out burgers.
Image: Splash News Online
Think Good Thoughts Tom

Actor Tom Cruise was in Seoul, South Korea promoting his latest film Valkyrie, about Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, the man who failed to assassinate Hitler.
I guess Tommy boy has some kinship to the would-be killer, because he told reporters, “I’ve always wanted to kill Hitler. As a child, I used to wonder why someone didn’t stand up and kill him.”
“As a child studying history and looking at documents, I wondered, why didn’t someone stand up and try to stop it? When I read the script, it was entertaining and informative to know what the challenges were and what it was like to be in the environment.”
Take it easy Tom, comments like that will lead people to think you're crazy. Haha..crazy..Tom Cruise..trails off.
Image: AFP
Arrested: Kelly Osbourne Edition

24 year old Kelly Osbourne has been arrested and formally charged with assault after slapping gossip columnist Zoe Griffin, after Zoe apparently called Kelly's fiance Luke Worrell "stupid." The incident happened back on August 29th, 2008 and Kelly turned herself in earlier this month then was released on bail. A court hearing is pending in March.
Seriously, don't fuck with the Osbourne family.
Image: Google Images
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Obama Doesn't Need Your Fake Support

Who is paying Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag for these fake posed pictures? Seriously, what magazine or website is giving them money to do these photo shoots of them frolicking around, wildly in love, carefree and happy? What dumb ass thinks we care to see these pictures? My blood pressure increases whenever I see these two (I know I'm not the only one) and there must be some way to prevent them from causing anymore damage to the health of our country. *Breathe* These two idiots were "out" riding bikes, wearing Barack Obama T-shirts in support of our President-elect.
Spencer and Heidi were John McCain supporters during the presidential race, but I guess it's better late than never to show America you'll do anything for publicity, including sitting your political beliefs to the side.
Image: Pacific Coast News
At The Box Office
Maybe Americans really are stupid. I hate to badmouth us, but I think we have really bad taste in movies. The Kevin James piece of shit comedy Paul Blart: Mall Cop was number 1 at the box office with $33.8 million, in 2nd place was last weeks number 1, Gran Torino with $22.2 million and number 3 was the slasher flick My Bloody Valentine 3D with $21.9 million.
The biopic of slain rap star The Notorious BIG was number 4 with $21.5 million and the kid flick Hotel for Dogs was in 5th place with $17.7 million.
Paul Blart? $33.8 million in American money wasted on that?!? I would be ashamed and mortified if anyone saw me walking out of that movie theater. Shame on you if you saw it!
The biopic of slain rap star The Notorious BIG was number 4 with $21.5 million and the kid flick Hotel for Dogs was in 5th place with $17.7 million.
Paul Blart? $33.8 million in American money wasted on that?!? I would be ashamed and mortified if anyone saw me walking out of that movie theater. Shame on you if you saw it!
Shouldn't You Be In Jail?

I don't want to call Nick Hogan names, because we all make mistakes, it's just that most of our mistakes don't result in another person being in a vegetative state for rest of their lives. *Breathe* Nick arrived at the Salt Lake City airport for the 2009 Sundance Film Festival today. There are lots of other people who actually have films at Sundance but Nick Hogan, The Kardashians, Stephen Baldwin, Denise Richards and Nick Cannon are the real standouts to me.
Image: Contact Music

How is Courtney Love still breathing? Really, she must have angels on her shoulders and a halo up her ass, because she's alive and well, giving an interview to Jewish magazine Heeb. Along with a few non-Jewish friendly remarks (I guess she thinks it's okay because she calls herself a Jewban, part Cuban and part Jewish; the name of the magazine is a variation of an anti-semetic slur) more swearing than a Kevin Smith film and lots of incoherent thoughts that truly capture the inner workings of Ms. Love, we learn she's working on a new album, she's off drugs and she knows more famous people then were at the Golden Globes. It's actually an interesting interview, you can read the whole thing by going here and signing up.
You’ve been panned, you’ve been adored, you’ve received a Golden Globe nod. . .
"I didn’t really want to be a movie star, and people do not understand that, because everyone wants to be a movie star, but me. Let me tell you something, man. I can’t even stomach (although I do it sometimes) dating actors, because they’re bitches. They’re women. They’re waiting around for someone to call them. You know, part of it’s self destructive as hell, and I guess a lot of people are really shocked by, you know, that kind of conscious decision that I just don’t want to play this game. Let’s also get real about it, you have a very dark, twisted, horrible thing like a suicide happen in your life, and you’re still getting fucked by the industry, but here’s the reality: Every time you buy a Nirvana record, part of that money is not going to Kurt’s child, or to me, it’s going to a handful of Jew loan officers, Jew private banks, its going to lawyers who are also bankers, its going to sixty PAs."
How’s Frances doing?
"She’s great, She’s really into, maybe, being an artist right now. And, she’s really anti the whole being famous thing. She’s really, really grounded and really cool. You know, I’m not like “cool mom.” I’m a mother. I’m not like, “Oh, honey, if you’re going to do that, do it at home.” I’m more like, “You’re not going to do that, so, fuck off, or I’m taking your computer, and your fucking, you know, Blackberry.” But, I’m a really, really good mother, and the proof is in the pudding. She’s had some bad breaks when I was on drugs, but she never saw me on drugs. I would go to New York, or I would go to a hotel, so she never saw me in that condition."
Image: Heeb Magazine
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Stay On The Island Please

Another day, another Amy Winehouse story. According to the UK newspaper The Sun, Amy has been quoted as saying "I still love my Blake. I won't let him divorce me."
Bi-polar much? She's also quoted as saying, "Blake is the male version of me. We're perfect for each other. I don't want to go back home to England. I want to wait for Blake here."
Were you not just fucking a new guy last week? You were happy as hell to be with someone else, but now that Blake-incarcerated beat you to the divorce paper filing game, you want him back. As for the dude she's been sleeping with, she says, "Josh was lovely. But it was a holiday thing. I¹ve got my Blake."
You totally have to be on drugs Amy, all that crazy coming out of your mouth is the smoking gun.
Image: Barcroft Media
Defending Stupidity

Johnny Knoxville has taken to his blog to speak about the fake grenade that was found in his luggage earlier this week at LAX that caused him to be given a citation. Here's what the blog said:
A few days ago, I was filming some commercials for this show we are doing for MTV called Nitro Circus, so I took a bunch of silly props in my carry-on bag to the shoot. Well, when the shoot was over, the wardrobe girl packed my luggage so I could go home and, unbeknownst to me, she packed a FAKE hand grenade (a prop grenade that I’d taken to the shoot) in the front zipper of my luggage. Needless to say, when I was packing to go out of town this morning with my girlfriend and daughter, I didn’t see the FAKE grenade in my luggage.
Ah fuck was I bummed when I realized what had happened… The cops did their job and verified that it wasn’t real. Also, they were cool as they could be to me, considering the situation, and it is no ones fault but my own. I should have checked my goddamn luggage through and through, but I didn’t and now we have this incident. From what I hear, all the tabloids are saying it was a real grenade, but that’s bullshit. They just said that to make a story out of it, because if it was real I never would have been allowed to board my flight to Miami an hour later. Anyway, it was a mistake, and I just landed at the Miami airport. Damn.
—Johnny Knoxville
P.S. When I saw the bomb-sniffing dog, I thought, “Oh shit, I hope I didn’t bring any of my films in my backpack!”
That last line was funny, but poor wardrobe girl, first she had to blow Johnny and now she gets blamed for the fake grenade..
Image: SplashNews
These Could Scare Damien..

As if the members of Fall Out Boy haven't taken enough money from little scene kids all over the world, they've decided to bank on talking dolls. Apparently they've already had a line of action figures that have sold out, so why not make demean the Cabbage Patch doll by sewing FOB faces onto their poor little bodies. SOTA Toys is behind the line and the dolls will be priced around $22.99 and say different phrases when you squeeze them. I'm guessing Pete's will say, "Wanna see my wife's boobs??"
Image: Toy News International
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